23 July 2018

How to Create Email Templates in Gmail (with Attachments) - Step by Step

Creating email templates in Gmail with attachment
Creating email templates in Gmail with attachment
If you need to send same email messages to people again and again, and you find yourself copying email content from somewhere and sending to people every time, it is better to create email templates or so-called Canned Responses in Gmail, it will allow you to type less and respond faster and be more efficient with your emails.

My current process for sending these emails involves - copying the message text from previously sent emails, composing a new email and pasting the content, editing the name and other information, adding attachments, then sending. The boring most part I find is to find the email to copy the text from. Really inefficient!

I do not want to use a CRM like Zoho, but I want the template feature of a CRM, where whenever I want to send an email I can insert a template, do little modification if I need, enter the email ID and send. Quick and Easy!

We will do the same in Gmail.

7 July 2018

How to Embed YouTube Videos on BlogSpot (blogger.com)

Note: Now I am trying and figuring out different things, so, a nice tutorial about this is coming pretty soon. Cheers!

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