30 June 2020

Creating Video Essays

There are a lot of things that I want to learn. And probably it is the main reason I am not learning any properly, that I want to learn A LOT OF THINGS.

Anyway, everyone does not need to be successful, but everyone should be trying what they want.

So, one of the things I want to learn is - Creating Awesome Video Essays.

Video essays are amazing because ...

Well, I will not say they much more awesome than other forms, when there are awesome text-based essays like  Roger Federer as Religious Experience by David Foster Wallace, illustrated essays like The Fermi Paradox by Tim Urban. Even there must nice audio essays, but I don't know.

But they have some unique traits.

For text-based essays people have to put the to continue experiencing it, while video-based essays, the video drives it, people don't have to put effort and that is exactly why video format content got this popular this fast. It is not even 100 years old, where first oldest writing found was of 3,300 BCE.

Videos format has more elements to it, like the storytelling, sound, visuals, you can control the pace. Which also people's creativity but as most people getting lazier day by day they like it more.

Since when I started watching YouTube I was really impressed with video essays. And when I learnt that anyone can be a content creator I had an interest in learning it.

Here are a few of my favourite channels that produce awesome video essays.




Cinema Beyond Entertainment

The Game Theorist, The Film Theorist by 

Cold Fusion

The School of Life


Well, they are more of a reaction channel than video essays, but in this video, they have a strong message. Also, we have a special appearance of Filthy Frank, so got to share the video

Here are some videos I'm starting with


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